See Holiday Music for More Christmas Titles Church Music Soaring Spirits 2 A second volume of homages to our great spiritual tradition. Flutists with intermediate to advanced skills should be comfortable playing these pieces with a minimum amount of rehearsal. Soaring Spirits These twenty short flute duets are based on beloved spirituals and hymns. Ranging in mood from slow and lyrical to upbeat and lively, these pieces will fit easily into any church service or musical program. The parts are of equal difficulty (intermediate-advanced). The Sacred Flutist This is the companion volume to "The Christmas Flutist," featuring 24 sacred pieces appropriate for the rest of the church year. Roll Call! An arrangement of the sprightly hymn tune “When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder.” Appropriate for church or general use and features a variety of variations, including a jig and some blues, with some of Handel’s “Messiah” mixed in. Quick Study Quartets This collection of intermediate quartets is perfect for students or busy pros who want something nice to perform but don’t have a lot of time to practice. Pat-a-Carol This makes a great overture to get holiday concerts off to a flying start. It not only combines “Pat-a-Pan” with “Carol of the Bells,” but also throws in liberal doses of Smetana’s “The Moldau,” and sly quotes from Mendelssohn’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” The overall effect is rather like “Danse Macabe.” And all in less than two-and-a-half minutes! The Lyrical Flutist Short solos arranged for flute alone based on melodies drawn from many different genres: opera, folk music, piano pieces, and much more. Whenever you need a nice tune for any occasion, this is the book for you! In My Life This lovely Beatles ballad, arranged for flute and piano, is appropriate for memorial services, concerts, or even weddings. Hallelujah Although melodically and harmonically simple, this tune is compelling and lends itself to such beautiful interpretations. Perfect for church or secular use. Gloria Fantasie A freely adapted rendition of “Angels We Have Heard on High.” Appropriate for high school level players and up. Fugue à la Gigue Originally composed for organ, the contrapuntal nature of Bach fugues lends itself admirably to an ensemble arrangement. This one, with its lively dance rhythms, really appealed to me. Precision is the key here and the only way to accomplish that is to tread lightly. Nish Music · Church Music