Although my working life has taken a few turns, one constant has been the flute. I started playing at age 9, not so young as some prodigies, but then I was only supposed to keep my older sister company while she took lessons in the neighborhood. Didn’t even know what a flute was. Still, I liked it, and after many decades playing the flute I can truly say it’s a lifelong love.

At Northwestern University I had the privilege to study with the legendary Walfrid Kujala where he radically re-shaped and improved the way I played. And even though I never became an orchestral player, I’ll always be grateful to him for his insights, humor, and for giving me the tools to create my own music.

Other paths beckoned after college. I became interested in TV production and started working at various Chicago ad agencies, where I kicked around for over 30 years. As a TV commercial producer I worked on national clients and kept my sense of humor (well, when you work with Spongebob Squarepants, it’s pretty hard not to laugh).

A re-invention of myself, caused by the loss of my ad job, was needed in 2006. I chose to go back to music. I had been arranging music throughout the 80s and 90s, but didn’t get serious about having it published until the 2000s when ALRY Publications took an interest.

I now have over 50 titles in print with various publishers and get the biggest kick out of getting compliments from flutists all over the world. My “real” job, engraving for music publishers, has put me in touch with awesome composers like Joel Raney, Joseph Martin, Heather Sorenson, Mark Hayes and many more.

I live a life that is totally music. And life is good!


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